Tuesday, November 1, 2011

VWC Role Play

**Samara's Entrance Theme comes and as she does her Entrance**
**Once in the Ring, Samara Asks for a Mic**

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**Suddenly, the room goes dark as lighting bolts hit the Ring Posts**
**Samara turns around to see Aaron**
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**Aaron then begins to walk towards Samara as she has her back to the ropes**
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 **Samara tumbles out of the ring as Aaron continues to walk towards her**
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**Samara runs backstage to her locker room thinking Aaron is following closely behind her when she finds John Cena out cold on the floor**
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**Samara runs to John's side to try and wake him up**
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**After he doesn't respond to her, Samara starts calling for help**
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 **After a win over Winter, Maria Lee is celebrating in the ring**
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**Just then, a Mystery Man walks down the ramp and towards Maria Lee in the ring**

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**Scare for not knowing who the Man is, Maria Lee backs away trying to get away from him when she trips over her feet and falls down**
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**As the Mystery Man gets closer and closer Maria Lee, The Undertaker's music begins to play as the crowd cheers**
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 **Undertaker runs down the ramp and to his daughter's aid. He grabs the Man's jacket from behind and throws him out of the ring**

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**Undertaker then Runs over to his daughter to see Maria Lee is fine, just shaken**

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 **After being told he can leave early, Aaron goes to the Parking Lot to leave**
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 **Aaron ducks out of the way as the car going speeds passed him, Nearly hitting**
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**Aaron sits down as he sees the trunk of the car disappear into the street**
**He then continues to sit there to gather his thoughts and to calm down after the heart racing near death experience**
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. . . TO BE CONTINUED . . .